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Karen's Horse Paintings Blog - March 2008


Aiken Spring Steeplechase
Posted March 25, 2008

We've just returned from our spring trip to Aiken, South Carolina, where we saw our first steeplechase! I'm not sure if all steeplechases are 99% party/1% horse race, but that's how they do it at Aiken. It seemed like a endless string of 10'x20' tailgate parties... and I guess it was, since a circle (or oval) has no ending point! Tents, trucks, SUVs, lawnchairs, tables covered with food, and tailgaters of all ages lined the inside and outside of the track, with small spaces here and there for general admission onlookers (like me). Everyone was having tons of fun! And most did seem to look up from their parties when there were horses racing by!

Part of the event was the Carriage Parade. Wonderfully groomed horses pulled handsome carriages around the track to the delight of the crowd!

There were six races and we found a spot where we could watch the horses leap over one of the five jumps that were set up on the course. Each race was 2 1/2 laps around the track, and we were lucky because we got to see the horses jump "our" fence three times in each race.

The highlight of the day was the last race, where one of the horses lost his rider early on. The horse continued for the final two laps around the track jumping without the guidance of a rider and leading the way -- eventually winning the race! (Although disqualified.) Then the horse took a Victory Lap, continuing around the track one more time - although this time opting for the inside of the track where there are no jumps.

It was a fun day. For us spending a day outside in 78 degree sunshine would have been grand enough, but it was even better because we got to talk to lots of poeple who live in Aiken! We love to hear about our future hometown!

And of course I'll be working on some horse paintings featuring steeplechases soon because I took LOTS of photos!

posted by Karen Brenner

1 Comment - Click here to add your comment

Sounds like an exciting day. I'm sure you got lots of pictures for your wonderful paintings. I love the story of the horse who finished first riderless. He shouldn't have been disqualified just because his rider couldn't stay on. Ha, he knows he was the champion of the day!
posted by grey horse matters on 5-1-08


Spanish Mustang Huddle
28" x 22"

Spanish Mustang Huddle
Posted March 14, 2008

This painting of three of the Dildines' Spanish Mustangs is speckled with jewel colors. In this "horse huddle" the far horse is actually on the other side of a fence (not shown in the painting). He has just run from the far side of his huge pasture to meet up with some of the horses on this side of the fence. You've probably observed horses "putting their heads together" after being apart for a time. I often wonder the meaning of this particular equine communion.

posted by Karen Brenner



A Book!
Posted March 8, 2008

I'm probably breaking Rule #1 of Blogging - on my first day, but I'm so excited about my new book, that I can't help it! I am a huge fan of books -- especially those with lots of pictures -- and ESPECIALLY those with lots of pictures of horses! So to have the opportunity to create a table top book filled with pictures of my paintings and many of the photos that I've taken as I've travel around visiting horse farms and equine events -- well, I am super excited about that!!!

When I started researching creating a such a specialized book, I stumbled on a wonderful internet company named Blurb. (I hate to admit it, but for a few weeks I thought their name was "Blurp" -- they did come up with that spelling on Google!!)

The exciting thing about Blurb is that it is a print-on-demand type of internet business - much like Cafe Press where I have some shops. So I would not have to buy a whole bunch of books like a vanity press and then try to sell them.

And anyone who wants to order a book, can order it straight from Blurb! And pay by credit card! I love the internet!!!

Blurb gives away the software needed to design your book. Anyone can use their templates, although I opted to design all my pages in Photoshop and upload them to blank pages in the Blurb software.

After about four months of designing, writing, photographing paintings, and fine tuning the layout I placed my first order. I was holding my breath waiting for the book to arrive..... In the back of my mind, I was rationalizing that the first copy would be an "artist's proof" and I could change things for the second copy. When the book arrived --- I LOVED IT!!!

Enough about Blurb..... I should tell you a little about the book, Beautiful Moments in the Lives of Horses. It features over 80 of my equine paintings and over 250 photos. Most spreads show a photo or series of photos of the horse that is in the corresponding painting. There are 160 pages. All full color of course! It's a real table top book, with a hard cover and very beautiful book jacket, if I do say so myself!

The artwork is in breed specific chapters -- Andalusians, Arabians, Appaloosas, Quarter Horses, Morgans and the all inclusive, More Horses.

If you'd like to preview the book, here is a link:


And if you'd like information about ordering the book, here's a link for that:

Beautiful Moments in the Lives of Horses - at Blurb

posted by Karen Brenner

1 Comment - Click here to post your coment

I seem to be the first to write a comment but I am sure I am only the first of many who will be writing to congratulate you on your first book.
I feel that my congratulations are particularly for following your dream, finding a way and doing something so unique and special.
A wonderful idea and wonderful paintings and photographs.
I have lonmg admired your paintings and the way to make art work.

The very best of luck and best regards. Susan L.

Posted by Susan L. March 10, 2008



Dildine Spanish Mustangs
48" x 20"

Dildine Spanish Mustangs
Posted March 8, 2008

Now that I have a blog, I can write lots about each of my new paintings! The Dildines live in Chilton, Texas, on a spacious ranch -- just like many of us have dreamed of owning. Acres and acres of grass hills with trees for shade! It is wonderful! I was so fortunate that Carol invited me to visit. She is an alumni of my alma mater, Miami University of Ohio!

Jim and Carol drove us around their beautiful ranch in their pick up! It was so fun! Of course the best part was seeing their beautiful Spanish Mustangs in the most amazing earth tones! The Dildines are experts on the breed!

Jim also had long horn cattle!

posted by Karen Brenner



Beautiful Horses of Michigan Project
Posted March 8, 2008

Many nominations have arrived for the Beautiful Horses of Michigan project! There are so many, I've lost count, which is SO exciting! I can hardly wait to sit down and read them all -- but I know it will be so hard to narrow them down. My goal is to pick 20-25 horses.

If you have a beautiful horse that lives in Michigan, you are invited to submit a nomination! The deadline is March 31, 2008. Here's a link:

Beautiful Horses of Michigan project

posted by Karen Brenner



Introducing - Karen's Horse Paintings Blog
Posted March 8, 2008

Since we have about a foot of snow and wind chills at 6 degrees, I'm trapped inside with too much time on my hands. Actually I've been outside for about an hour and a half shoveling our driveway, so I only wish I were trapped inside...but that's done and now...Time to tweek my website and finally take a step into the world of Bloggers!

This spring promises to be very exciting so I should have lots to Blog about.

The most exciting part of this blog for me is the easy format it provides for you to contact me with questions and comments about my work. Please send your feedback about my paintings and also let me know what you would like to see included in this blog.

posted by Karen Brenner



About Karen

Karen Brenner is passionate
about horses and art!
She enjoys traveling to horse farms
and equine events to
photograph horses
for reference material
for her horse paintings.

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Horse Paintings book

Beautiful Moments
in the Lives of Horses

Paintings and Photographs
by Karen Brenner
Coffee Table Book

Click here to preview book.




August- mid-September 2008
First Beautiful Horses of MI
All Horse Parade Photos
New Andalusian Paintings
Steeplechase Paintings
Camargo Hunt Paintings

June & July 2008
Michigan Trip
Friesian Paintings
Sorpresa's on YouTube

May 2008
New Andalusian Paintings for Fiesta Midwest
YouTube Video - Karen's equine apprentice, DJ

April 2008
Rolex Cross Country
House of the Friesians
Amish Country Photo Safari

March 2008
A Book!
Aiken Spring Steeplechase


Behind the Bit


Equus Caballus

Experiments in
Training Equines


The Horsehoeing Housewife

Manes n Tails

Midwest Horse Blog

Nuzzling Muzzles

Stable Scoop Radio Show

Teachings of the Horse






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